Nuclear Waste - Does Canada Have A Problem?

At the present time there are over 450 nuclear power units with an installed electric net capacity of about 392 GW worldwide with and additional 60 plants under construction.

How To Be Lucky At Snagging A Mate

If you want to know if your love is truthful, light one of his or her love letters on fire. 

Who Was The Son of Promise - Isaac or Ishmael?

We've all heard Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech "I Have a Dream," where he talks about "The Promised Land." 

Only a Leo could understand the pressure, the importance of being loved and admired? Is it because we think our shit doesn't stink, that we are on the same level as royalty or is it a cover up, hiding the true secret behind a Leo.

When I look at other famous Leo's from the past; Alfred Hitchcock,

When Aliens Arrive On Earth - They Just Might Be Bio-Robots?

I've often thought, why would a more advanced alien civilization want to travel all those millions and millions of miles, taking decades, even centuries travelling at warp speed, just to come to earth. 

The Phantom Lumberjack - A Ghost Story

There's a stretch of desolated highway between Trail and Grand Forks, British Columbia,

The American Dream - It's Now Easier To Obtain In Canada

The American Dream, a failed dream, that all men are created equal, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, blah, blah, blah...

Mighty Mouse - Coming to Earth to 'Save the Day' Why?

Before there was an Area 51, before there was such a thing as a Flying Saucer there was Mighty Mouse.

When Does Life Become Meaningless?

Lives are judged by how long or short you live, moral or immoral, successful or unsuccessful in terms of fame, creativeness, acquisitions and relationships. 

Syphlis - Considered A Sin By Early Christians

Where Syphilis originated, is anyone's guess. Some believe it is a 21,000 year old zoonosis, meaning it was transferred from animal to human.

The Murder of Chief Big Mouth

I know he doesn't look like one but Chief Big Mouth was actually a cop. This was back in the old west, around 1664, at Ft. Laramie in Wyoming. He and his brother Blue Horse were policemen in his fathers administration there.

A UFO Crashed Into The Ottawa River In Our Capital City - One Big Canadian Cover-up

A UFO was reported, to the Welland Tribune, on July 27, 2009, streaking across the sky, near our capital city of Ottawa, which eventually crashed into the Ottawa River. 

The Eerie Laugh of Alexa - She's Always Listening

Do you really need a virtual personal assistant? Is it not one more step towards 'Singularity'?