The American Dream - It's Now Easier To Obtain In Canada

The American Dream, a failed dream, that all men are created equal, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, blah, blah, blah...

Of course, by 'all men' the founding fathers meant, the white man, that was extended to the slaves by Lincoln, with the Emancipation Proclaimation and eventually included women, thanks to President Wilson, for giving them the right to vote. 

Greed was a big motivator for the American Dream, people wanted, and wanted, more and more, thinking material things would by happiness and security.

Then, Truman expanded the Dream with his Fair Deal, President Johnson promoted Civil Rights; race, colour, religion, sex and national origin. Then, Obama introduced sexual orientation, health care all in pursuit of the American Dream and happiness. 

Let's face it, the American Dream is dead, pulling up your boot straps isn't enough, America is no longer the land of the free. You are more likely to be locked up in an American prison than achieving your Dream.

Now let's take a look at the Canadian Dream, a thriving one. It's cheaper to get a good high quality education, people live longer in Canada, home ownership is up compared to America. We have health care. Eveything is up, up, up including education, health and social programs and all at half the cost, compared to our American counterparts.

The American Dream; it's now easier to obtain in Canada, eh?

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