August Is For Leo's - Narcissistic Control Freaks

Busy, busy that's us.

My horoscope tells me, it is my time to shine. I'm a Leo, born in August, a lion. My ruler the sun. I'm hot as fire. Fire being my earth sign. There's no reason for a Leo to be alone. 

I'm creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful and humorous then again I'm also an arrogant, stubborn, self-centred, inflexible and a lazy, son-of-a-bitch. 

That about sums me up. Sounds like I'm filling out a questionnaire for Harmony dot com, doesn't it?

In reality though I hate being ignored. I'm such a drama queen. I hate facing difficult situations but most of all, I hate not being treated like the King I am. I've been called stuck-up before, many times! Damn them, what do they know anyway, eh?

It's my way baby, or take the highway, that's how we Leo's feel. We love to dominate and dominate we will. It's as if we can't let go or give in. Criticize me and look out. I'll come out fighting. We care what other people think of us but only if it's good. To me, if you have nothing good to say (about me), keep your mouth shut. I find that hard, keeping my mouth shut.

We can charm the pants off anyone, male or female. Enough said, in that department. Trust what I am saying, or any other Leo for that matter. We're very loyal, warmhearted and very dependable. Did I mention passionate and sexy?

Us Leo's, we try. We really do. We need a partner just like us, self aware, reasonable and on the same intellectual wave length, if you catch my drift.

Leo's, can't live with them. Can't live without them. They're a fine lot.

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