The Principles of Human Conduct - The Law of KARMA

It is necessary to follow certain principles of conduct in our daily lives, to know how to limit ourselves and develop some sort of self-discipline. 

We might be tempted to over-extend ourselves, over-doing it or under doing it causing us to lose track of our direction. This constant imbalance is very common in our daily living, there will always be a tomorrow or it's too late, do it all now or never.

There is an old adage; Whatever you do to others will come back to you, ten fold, maybe revealing itself later than sooner and in some other place. This is called the Law of KARMA, action and reaction, whatever you plant, so shall you reap.

The Principle

Ahim'sa Non-hurting - either by thoughts, words or actions. Losing your temper becomes a burden. The best of warriors is the one who wins battles without waging war.

Satya - Truthfulness. People who are truthful carry weight in their words and actions. 

Brahmacarya - Positive Awareness. We must protect ourselves from negativity. A healthy and positive attitude always uplifts our spirit.

Asteya - Do not steal. Your conscience will always follow you.

Aparigraha - There's no need to accumulate. All you need is what will help you grow.

Shaoca - Maintain a clean mind, body and surroundings. Do away with clutter and unnecessary thoughts and ideas.

Santos'a - Contentment. Set high goals but keep it simple and self satisfying. Appreciate more.

Tapah - Service. Help others without expecting in return but be careful not to overdo the 'good deeds',

Svadhyaya - Keep an open mind to all things. It gives you room to grow.

Ishvara - A clear direction towards goodness. Understand the Universal Force that guides us and gives us inspiration. It helps keep us centred and confident.

These teachings are based upon Shrii Shrii Ananda Murthi's work. I've made a few changes so that the readings of these principles are understood by the layman.

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