Gray Asexuals - They Don't Find Either Sex Attractive - Much Like Old Age

A person who is Gray Asexual will rarely find anyone male or female sexually attractive. They're just not interested and can't understand why anyone else would be either.

That doesn't mean they can't be romantic and have sex, but they're not really into it and would never instigate a sexual encounter. 

They can fall in love and often do but never feel a sexual attraction to the other person.

Why it's called Gray is because; it's a topic between sexuality and a-sexuallity, not much is understood about the subject but interest is growing as more people identify with the term.

To me it sounds a lot like growing old but I know it's totally different. It's just I don't want some old foggy gawking at this old foggy and vice vera. I'm just not interested. Maybe I'm Gray Asexual, eh? 

Anyway, Happy Gray Asexual Pride!

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