Orasyon - All Religions Are Beautiful Flowers In One Huge Over Abundant Garden

Orasyon is an old and popular belief in Asian countries, a system of magical powers, a mantra, a whispered prayer.

It is a state of consciousness and works miracles when your mind and body are pure. 

People who posses this power claim to be able to turn themselves into super humans. We have all heard stories of people that eat razor blades without cutting themselves, drinking battery acid and only burping and sleeping on a bed of nails without a scratch even with a pile of bricks laid on his stomach.

Some believe there are a few people who can turn a plain rock into a sparkling diamond just by squeezing it. And then there are some that can heal sicknesses. People run hundreds of miles day becoming invincible and able to perform incredible feats in emergencies, like lifting a heavy car to save a life.

There's an old saying that all religions are all beautiful flowers in one big over abundant garden.

Orasyon sounds confusing eh? But Orasyon is the true essence of universal enlightenment and understanding and is a spiritual practice with deep Christian connections. It broadens our understanding of every other religious and spiritual discipline.

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